Europa universalis iv dlc wiki
Europa universalis iv dlc wiki

Chinese Empire: New mechanics for Ming China, including Imperial Decrees and Imperial Reforms to bolster the Dragon Throne.Declare a Golden Era to further increase your chance of success. Historical Ages and Golden Eras: Meet objectives in four historical ages from the Age of Discovery to the Age of Revolutions, earning new bonuses and powers for your country.Improved Espionage: Two new spy actions allowing you to study the technology of more advanced countries and agitate for liberty in your enemies subjects.Native Policies: Adds the ability to set your policy towards the natives in your colonies, allowing you to focus on trade, assimilation, or subjugation.Advanced Culture Change: Adds the ability to choose what culture you want to convert a province to from any neighboring culture, or restore the original culture of the province.Horde Unity and Razing: Hordes can raze territories they conquer to get monarch points and raise horde unity or risk a tribal uprising.Tengri: New religion mechanics focusing on Syncretism, allowing Tengri nations to choose and tolerate a secondary religion as if it were a national faith and treated by others as if holding that religion.Diplomatic Feedback: Manually set the attitude towards AI nations, designate provinces you want, entice allies with the promise of land for their support.New Cossack Government: The Cossacks receive a new government form with unique interactions.New Estates: 3 New estates to deal and manage in the realm - the Cossacks, the Dhimmi, and the Tribes.Cross-platform Multiplayer: Battle against others or try the co-operative mode that allows several players to control a single nation (up to 32 players).

europa universalis iv dlc wiki

#Europa universalis iv dlc wiki mod

  • Create your own history & customize your game: Customize and mod practically anything your heart may desire or use the Steam Workshop.
  • A deeper diplomatic system: Bring out your negotiating skills, use coalitions, royal marriages and support for rebels and explore the possibilities of the new unilateral opinion system.
  • Experience the all new trade system: Become a trade empire and gain control of vital trade routes to make the wealth of the world flow to your coffers.
  • Turn the world into your playground: Enjoy hundreds of years of gameplay in a lush topographical map complete with dynamic seasonal effects.
  • Experience history coming to life: The great personalities of the past ready to support you as you make your mark on thousands of historical events.
  • Use your Monarch Power: Experience the new system of monarch power where your choices are influenced by the caliber of the man or woman you have at the top and will direct the ebb and flow of gameplay.
  • Make your own decisions: Nation building is completely flexible and the possibilities are endless.
  • europa universalis iv dlc wiki

    ◾And more: Including the ability to carpet siege enemy provinces, draft transports as a plutocratic nation, watch heirs gain legitimacy as they wait to inherit the throne and other changes. ◾New Unit Models: New army sprites for Southeast Asian nations, including Indochinese, Indonesian and Polynesian nations. ◾Monuments: Expand and establish great projects, adding new bonuses to your empire. ◾Totemism: Nations that follow the Totemist religion can revere a pantheon of past leaders, earning bonuses that reflect the skills they had in life. ◾Centralize State: Reduce the cost of government by spending unused Reform points. ◾Expand Infrastructure: Provinces can expand their capacity to build new structures and manufactories, allowing smaller nations to create centers of wealth for a modest cost. ◾Pillage Capital: Loot an enemy capital as a condition of peace, hauling development back to the capital metropolis. ◾Concentrate Development: You can now steal development from your vassals or territorial possessions to enhance the power of your capital city. ◾Specialized Colonial Nations: Let your colonies focus on military help, trade power or self-government. ◾New Regency Options: Regency councils represent the interests of the most powerful estate, and can be extended to delay the ascension of an unfit monarch. ◾Ask for Favors: Curry favors with other nations and use them to advance diplomatic goals. Leviathan also brings new improvements to other core areas of the game, such as colonies and regencies.įeatures of Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan include: New diplomatic actions give you the means to go up against mightier counterparts and new economic tools will allow you to establish rich vassal empires that draw wealth and development to your monumental capital city.

    europa universalis iv dlc wiki europa universalis iv dlc wiki

    In Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan expansion, you get new tools to centralize and accumulate power for your country.

    Europa universalis iv dlc wiki